Who doesnt love to day drink? You never really need a reason, but it is always nice to have one. This past Saturday we had Senior Bar Bounce. Similar to a bar crawl but it was on university and during the day. This is what I wore...

I thought I lost my sunglasses, which I was happy was the only thing I thought I lost, but they ended up being at my friends house.
I brought a big purse and some how managed to fit sunscreen, my camera, my tumbler, my flask, chapstick, my phone, wallet, and purfume in, and not lose anything!
My best friends since freshmen year.
Matty-boo. We studied abroad together last year. He was so much fun. Love love love him.
Always end up taking pictures by myself. thanks guys.
We pre-ed at this amazing house, lots of drinking games, dominated at flip cup as usaul, and then headed to univesity. Saw everyone I actually wanted to see, and no one I didnt. It was amazing.
The only down side was being horribly hung over by 9pm, and the next morning.
Seniors 11. Please dont go.
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