Wednesday, June 1

Six Months

I saw this photo on tumblr the other day and it made me think about how much my life has changed in six months.

Six months ago was December 1st. We had one more football game of the season, CLS and I were still not friends yet, I still had a crush on my best friends ex-boyfriend, I had no internship, and my life wasn't really the most impressive.

But today me and CLS are DATING, I have finished my senior year of college (although I still have one more semester), the majority of my friends have graduated college, I have an internship in Beverly Hills starting on Monday, and I have my life much more put together.

Although by no means do I think I have my life figured out, I have more of a plan and a direction. I have more focus in my life and I am much more happy.

Its funny how even though you feel like you make no progress and nothing changes, looking back just six months shows me how much has changed with out me taking a moment to appreciate everything I have.

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